Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for commissioning hospitals, community health and mental health services across the county of Somerset. They want to hear from patients and carers about their experiences of using health services. This helps them to check the quality of the services they have bought and better understand the barriers and challenges people face when they use health services. They want to learn lessons from people’s experiences with health services and take action to make things better.
As part of their commitment to equality, they are particularly keen to hear from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and / or Trans patients and carers. We know that many LGBTpeople can feel isolated in their communities and do not necessarily feel safe when using health services. We also know that many staff in the health sector are not as aware of LGBT issues as they could be. By sharing experiences, anonymously or otherwise, people would be helping them to make a case for improvements and changes, and your feedback will also enable us to raise awareness among health commissioners and service providers.
To find out more please contact Jill Downey, Patient, Public and Carer Involvement Manager at the Clinical Commissioning Group email