A short film aimed at schools and young people. The purpose of the film is to raise awareness of the experiences Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBTQ) young people have in schools.
This film has been made possible through the support of Merlin Housing Society who grant funded the Diversity Trust to carry out a series of events with local schools.
We are grateful to the many people who have participated in the making of the film including the Director for Children, Adults and Health, and the teachers and other school professionals. We are particularly grateful to the LGBTQ young people who have given some very personal accounts of their experiences at school.
Special thanks to Alphabets LGBTQ youth group, Brimsham Green School and Lakers School.
Watch the film now (via YouTube) Click here for link to YouTube
This is what others have said about the film.
“I thought the film was very good – strong content and good professional production.” Peter Murphy, Director for Children, Adults and Health, South Gloucestershire Council
“This is fantastic and very well made. So grateful for all your support, I know I feel very reassured since being able to tap into your knowledge that we can better support our fantastic young people.” Liz Jones, Lakers School
“I couldn’t be more proud of what you have achieved. Positive, engaging and thought provoking. Well done to you all! Merlin are better as an organisation for having you involved with us.” Cam Kinsella, Merlin Housing
“You all have done such an amazing job – professional, educational and something I know will have a positive impact. Very proud to say we have supported you through funding with this.” Claire Willis, Merlin Housing
“Powerful film and fantastic role modelling by the young people sharing their experiences to support others.” Debbie Geraghty, Plymouth Music Zone