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#11 [The Diversity Trust Podcast] Hira Ali – Allyship and advancing your potential





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[#11 Soundbite 1] Hira Ali – Harmful gender stereotypes

“…it’s really important to start questioning these harmful norms, since childhood, parents need to question this, educators, teachers need to question this, so that we have a new generation of boys and girls and children from every gender, who are not limited by these harmful gender stereotypes that we have inculcated in them since childhood.”

Listen to a snippet here…

[#11 Soundbite 2] Hira Ali – Understanding intersectionality

“…when we are talking about allyship, all allies should first understand the concept of intersectionality and how some of these multiple forms of oppressions are so closely intertwined – and once we do that, once we don’t make assumptions, once we don’t generalise, once we don’t stereotype, we’re open to learning, evolving, knowing that there is more to a person than the thing that defines them.”

Listen to a snippet here…

[#11 Soundbite 3] Hira Ali – Breaking the Bias

“…having those biases is not a wrong thing, it’s acting on the bias, which we need to be careful about. So question your bias, and then mentor, sponsor, support colleagues, or women and people from racially diverse groups in your communities, and then, of course, challenge others.”


Passionate about empowering women and ethnic minorities at workplaces, Hira Ali is an empathetic leader and published author. Founder of Advancing Your Potential, Hira works as a multi-faceted career coach, trainer and recognised thought leader and advocate in the diversity and inclusion space.


Agnese is a lawyer working in stakeholders representation in the South of England. Passionate about global justice, equality and sustainable development, she has been part of several advocacy projects and campaigns as well as taking part in a number of assemblies and negotiations at international level, including consultations organised in coordination with the UNDPI, the ASEM and the UNESCO.

Her strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion grew with her experience in policy, as she started working in the field of EDI by defining guidelines for equal representation in decision making settings within international bodies. Agnese is currently a stakeholder representative in BAME focus groups organised by local governments and locality delivery groups in the South of England. Agnese is very passionate about advocacy at the nexus between equality and education, both at international level and in the UK, and she currently volunteers for a local charity promoting equal access to education, working towards the end of ethnic poverty and its unfair consequences.