Holocaust Memorial Day talk 2023, featuring Smajo Bešo

As well as remembering all those who died during the Holocaust and in genocides across the world, we vow to come together to learn more about the past and to stand against prejudice and hatred today.” Berkeley Wilde, Executive Director, The Diversity Trust

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2023, the Diversity Trust organised an event, featuring speaker and genocide survivor, Smajo Bešo, who shared his incredible story and answered questions asked by Alex Maggs, Alphabets LGBTQ.

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Why ESEA celebrations and community are important as ever in the UK and beyond

  Asian Leadership Collective are the official hosts of #ESEAEats, an annual celebration of East Asian and Southeast Asian (ESEA) culture and heritage storytelling through food. The #ESEAEats campaign was started in 2020 by co-founders Anna Chan, founder and director of Asian Leadership Collective, and Georgie Ma, award winning podcast host of Chinese Chippy Girl. This November’s … Continued

Diversity News – Autumn 2022

Our Autumn Newsletter is abundant with highlights and positive stories for reflection and inspiration! As the nights draw in and the temperature starts to drop, we reflect on some of our achievements, as we continue to influence social change for a fairer society. Autumn Newsletter 2022 The Diversity Trust

Diversity Trust Annual Meeting 2022

  Our team were thrilled to attend the Diversity Trust Annual Meeting and Away Day on 14 October. Our Executive Director Berkeley Wilde shared some of the highlights of our work over the last year and the incredible impacts we have had with employees, consultants, clients, partners and friends of the trust.

Asian Leadership Collective & The Diversity Trust

                            The Diversity Trust is excited to announce a new partnership with Asian Leadership Collective. Asian Leadership Collective supports East and Southeast Asian people in challenging the harmful perceptions of this community in the workplaces in the UK. The Diversity Trust provides … Continued

Diversity Trust x Skin Deep Impact Report

  In December 2020, Skin Deep and The Diversity Trust CIC took the first step in establishing their partnership. With the agreement signed, they set out to work together to realise their ambitions for positive social change. The initial focus of funding the work of The Diversity Trust and commissioning joint research, training, publicity, and … Continued

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary!

  Ok where do I actually even begin? Do I begin in 2003 when our first Chair and I sipped chilled pints of Hoegaarden with a slice of lemon in the Dragon pub in Kemptown in Brighton, plotting to set up a training and consultancy company? Or do I begin with my return to the … Continued

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD)

  Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is the international day on 27 January to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, the millions of people killed under Nazi Persecution and in recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. 27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp … Continued

Brief for Procurement of Black History Resource List

The South West Heritage Trust is looking to procure a consultant to create a resource list and a digital resource pack for the study of Black History in Somerset, and to enhance existing popular school loans boxes in the Somerset Heritage Loans Service. The results will be used to raise awareness of Somerset’s diversity, to … Continued