Music Video from Integrate UK
This quirky, catchy music video, created by Integrate UK, challenges all forms of sexual harassment, including harassment motivated by Islamophobia and Homophobia.
This quirky, catchy music video, created by Integrate UK, challenges all forms of sexual harassment, including harassment motivated by Islamophobia and Homophobia.
Our friends at Hidayah are planning a retreat, providing a safe space for LGBTQI+ Muslims to come together, in spring/summer in 2020. They invite you to register your interest and ask for your opinion on things to do and potential dates in order to plan a memorable retreat that lots of people will enjoy – … Continued
“Severnside Integrated Urgent care provides the people in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire to access urgent primary care when their GP Practice is closed. The service is accessed through NHS111 and ensures that people needing medical care are seen by the right clinician in the right place at the right time. We have started … Continued
Transgender was the word seeing the second biggest rise in usage in the media during 2015. Transgender rights have become an urgent political issue. But the transgender community is very diverse and poorly understood after years of misgendering and stereotyping. What is Trans? – trans people from a social, biological, medical and historical viewpoint Legal … Continued
The purpose of an Accessibility Audit is to establish how well a particular environment performs in terms of access and ease of use by a wide range of potential users, including people with disabilities and the visually impaired, and also to recommend improvements, where necessary. Organisations have a legal duty not to discriminate against anyone who … Continued
Mind You is South Gloucestershire’s mental health and emotional wellbeing hub for young people. There to help you to look after your mental health, find out about mental health problems and where you can go in South Gloucestershire if you are struggling. Public Health team are keen to understand how well informed local young people … Continued
Northern Ireland is changing the law for allowing same sex marriage and access to abortion services by February and March 2020. Westminster passed this these laws in July 2019, which took effect on Monday 21 October 2019. The Northern Ireland Assembly can influence the law. However, these laws were still passed by Westminster. The new … Continued
Are you interested in taking part in a Channel 4 documentary about Britain’s sleep problems? Are you over 18-years-old? MultiStory Media are looking for adults with sleep issues to undergo treatment, which could help you get a good night’s sleep. We will be filming over summer this year. Interested? Please email us at with your name, … Continued