
For the Diversity Trust, Cheryl is a Senior Trainer and Consultant in Trans Awareness.

Cheryl Morgan has a decades-long career in IT and as an economic consultant in the energy industry. In that time she has lived and worked in California and Australia as well as the UK. Much of her energy work has involved training on various subjects including IT packages, market rules and derivatives valuation.  

While Cheryl still maintains her involvement in the energy industry, she has recently joined the Diversity Trust as a trainer specialising in transgender issues. As an out trans woman herself, and being more than 20 years post-transition, Cheryl is able to bring a personal and nuanced view to trans issues. 

In addition to her training work, Cheryl has worked with various government and charity sector organisations in the Bath and Bristol areas. She is also a trained Stonewall Role Model. 

Cheryl takes a keen interest in transgender history and generally has a full programme of speaking events during LGBT History Month. She has also written for various history blogs, and has been an invited speaker at academic history conferences.