We’ve collated feedback from It’s About Race training sessions delivered by Pat Rose and Mervin Taylor to Imitating the Dog in Jan 2022.
This is some of the feedback that we received…
Julie Brown, Executive Director, Imitating the Dog and client lead, said: “It’s so interesting to read and reflect on the afternoon, and the lessons learned will stay with me always.”
These are some testimonials from the participants:
“I was familiar with a lot of the terminology and discussion points from previous professional work and my own personal experience and conversations. However, I thought that there was something very powerful and profound about hearing about them in this context, face-to-face (albeit through webcams). Hearing stories or explanations directly from a person who has experience takes what is already a sobering topic and makes it feel very present. Understanding the impact of racism shouldn’t depend on a person sharing their story, but I wanted to say thank you to Pat and Mervin for being so open and direct. I also greatly appreciate how safe the space felt. It might not be easy for a person to talk for various reasons, but this was an engaging environment that felt very open. Testament to the speakers that it felt like the conversations could have continued for much longer.” Lauren, Marketing Officer