We’ve collated feedback from Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training sessions delivered by Berkeley Wilde and Steve Morley, and It’s About Race training sessions delivered by Russell Thomas and the Race & Bias Team, to St John’s College (University of Oxford) in February to March 2021.

These are some testimonials from the participants:

“Thank you to our instructor for sharing his experiences and time with us. I imagine many people will be inspired by his life as I was.”  Adam Michael Packer

“Thank you for running this. Steve was a great speaker, his knowledge on these topics was very helpful and I loved how aware and honest he was about his own privilege.” Aislin Sheldon

“I’m really glad we were offered this course – I think it’s a really important topic. I also felt the man who led it was very engaging and professional.”  Rachie Ing


Click here to visit St John’s College (University of Oxford)’s website.