(they, them, theirs)

For The Diversity Trust, Joni delivers courses in:

  • Trans Awareness
  • Diversity in Practice
  • EDEI
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Speak Up, Speak Out

Joni Clark is a Trainer and LGBTQ+ Team Coordinator at The Diversity Trust. Driven by a passion to make a positive difference for the trans and non-binary community, they have previously worked at Non-Binary Leeds as a community organiser and support group facilitator, providing peer support and advocacy for trans and non-binary people in Leeds and the surrounding areas. Much needed material support can be a lifeline too, so they founded the Non-Binary Leeds Solidarity Fund, helping members of the community facing financial hardship cover shortfalls on essentials like rent, medication, food, and utilities. They were a member of the organising team behind Trans Pride Leeds 2019 and 2020. They studied a CertHE in Linguistics and Phonetics and a BA in Sociology at the University of Leeds.

 Joni has worked across multiple sectors and can leverage insights from higher education, not-for-profits, recruitment, retail, and financial customer services.

 As part of their work with Non-Binary Leeds they delivered Trans Awareness and Inclusion training to various partners across Leeds and West Yorkshire.

Their areas of training expertise include lived experience and the needs and issues facing trans people and communities.