Trans Health Matters

For the past five years the Diversity Trust has been researching the health needs of LGBT+ people and has found evidence to support national findings on Trans experiences. To continue this work we are please to announce that we are working with the Local Healthwatch across Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire to identify the specific needs of local Trans people. Throughout the project we will gather local anecdotes, and patient experiences, from Trans people to feedback to local NHS health service commissioners and providers and to our local Healthwatch.

LGBT+ Health Research Report

We have launched our latest LGBT+ health research report. The report called ‘Evidence for Change’ is published in partnership with the local Healthwatch.

Every Victim Matters

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI), the regional charity for tackling hate crime, are very pleased to announce they have secured a new 5 year grant from Big Lottery. The project, ‘Every Victim Matters’, will support victims of hate crime throughout the counties of Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and Somerset. Project partners include The Diversity Trust, Taunton CAB, Compass Disability and Brandon Trust.

Speaking Out On Gender Identity Services

In a potentially significant step for trans people, Healthwatch Devon has issued a major report into the experiences, views and opinions of people using Gender Identity Services in England. Healthwatch has “significant statutory powers to ensure the voice of the consumer is strengthened and heard by those who commission, deliver and regulate health and care … Continued

How well do our health services serve the local LGBT community

Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for commissioning hospitals, community health and mental health services across the county of Somerset. They want to hear from patients and carers about their experiences of using health services. This helps them to check the quality of the services they have bought and better understand the barriers and challenges … Continued

Update! Gay & Bisexual Men in Somerset

We have been working with the Somerset Equality Officers Group (SEOG) to update the gay and bisexual men’s community in Somerset on what has been achieved since we published our research report in February 2015. You can read the research report click here You can read the update here