Diversity News – Autumn 2018
Welcome to our latest Diversity Trust newsletter.
First off, I’d like to say “hello” to all of our wonderful supporters. My name is Maisy. I’ve joined the Diversity Trust as a Communications Associate, helping out with all things digital! So, as the newbee I get the job of writing the newsletter introduction – the bit that lures you in and keeps you reading. I’ve written many an introduction, sticking to formal, functional, quick and simple templates – but this one is going to be different.
As we’re all about diversity, I’m going to move away from traditional and inject in a bit of ‘Maisy’!
In this edition we’re reflecting on mental health by taking the opportunity to mark World Mental Health Day in October. In the digital age there’s an assumption that social media is having a wholly negative impact on our mental health. As an avid user of all the platforms I see the good, the bad and the ugly. Yes, there are trolls, racists, homophobes and transphobes. But there are also online communities for young people to get help, advice and guidance about dealing with their own gender identity and sexual orientation. There are websites featuring trans beauty tips and a range of hashtags, such as #MeToo, to help likeminded people find and support each other. Maybe it’s not such a bad tool for helping manage our mental health, reduce loneliness and help tackle loneliness and isolation?
We’re also marking 100 Years of (some) women having the vote – celebrating historical and contemporary influential women. I like to think I would’ve made a totally badass suffragette – fighting the patriarchy, challenging misogyny.
But then I think about the actual suffering – the hunger strikes, the forced feeding and the violence – I probably would’ve cracked straight away. So, I change my internal monologue by taking a moment to thank those who came before me for putting their lives on the line for what is right, fair and just. I ask that in celebration of 100 years of women’s suffrage, let’s channel that boldness and bravery, and continue to fight for what is fair and just.
To finish off my introductory ramblings, I just want to let you know that I’ve got a real passion for conversation, whether it’s:
- face to face or digital
- engaging with others
- hearing your stories
- learning about lived experiences
I’m looking for your stories and experiences, whether it’s from your personal or professional life. If you feel you could put pen to paper (or fingers to keys!) then get in touch and find out more about contributing to our Blog.
Email me today communications@www.diversitytrust.org.uk
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