1.   How is online training delivered?

Online courses can be delivered for you in three ways:

  • We host – up to 15 participants in a ‘live’, facilitated session running for 2-3 hours with one or two trainers delivering the content. These include presentations, time for discussion and questions, and some courses include polls and use of video. We also share pre- and post- course materials for further learning and development.
  • We host – up to 100 participants in a ‘live’, facilitated webinar with one or two trainers delivering the content for up to 2-hours (a minimum of one hour), with time for Q&A.
  • You host – if the audience is over 100. Our preference is Zoom, but we can adapt to other platforms and have used Teams, Skype and Blackboard Collaborate. The process is the same/similar to Option 2 above.

Please let us know in advance if participants have any accessibility requirements, so that we can make arrangements to accommodate those needs.


2.   Is online training effective?

Yes! Our online training is engaging and interactive. It works best when people use their own online device (laptop, desktop etc.), so they are able to engage in polls, breakout rooms, chat and other functionality available on Zoom.


3.   Is there a maximum number of participants?

We recommend up to 15 participants in an interactive session.

We can host up to 100 participants on Zoom for a ‘live’ webinar with a Q&A, or we can provide a speaker if you have a larger audience (over 100) for hosting on your online platform.


4.   Can you make adjustments for people with specific accessibility needs?

Yes! If you have any accessibility requirements, or need any reasonable adjustments made, to ensure everyone on your team can be fully involved in our courses we just ask that you let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements to accommodate those needs.


5.   Can you provide in-house training?

Yes, we can deliver either half-day or full-day courses in-house at your location.



6.   Where can I find more information on training?

There is more information about the range of courses we offer here.


7.   Does the EDEI course provide training in all areas of inclusion including gender, race and neurodiversity inclusion?

Yes. The Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (EDEI) course covers all protected characteristics and we run individual courses on each protected characteristic. We centre lived experience in the individual courses and our EDEI courses are delivered by those with generalist experience in EDEI, as well as lived experience in the specialist area.


8.   In what order should we do the training sessions?

Our Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (EDEI) course is a great introductory session helping to understand who and what are protected characteristics, providing an overview of equalities legislation and employee and employer duties and much more.

We recommend that Achieving Cultural Competence (ACC) follows on from Unconscious Bias Training (UBT) and It’s About Race (IAR).

UBT and IAR are introductory courses, which focus on individuals reflecting on themselves and their gaps. The ACC session builds on some of those themes, expanding on individual values, morals and identity to organisational values and identity.


9.   What is the difference between the Managing and Mitigating Bias in the Workplace (MAM) and Unconscious Bias Training (UBT) sessions?

The MAM session is really for recruiters/managers/decision makers and requires more work and investment from participants (maximum of 15 participants).

The UBT session is interactive but does not require as much engagement from participants. This session can be expanded to run with 20-participants for a 2-hour session.


10.   What is the response to your training?

We receive excellent feedback from our clients and previous course participants. You can have a look at the testimonials, here.



11.   How much does your training cost?

We are a social enterprise and registered Community Interest Company, meaning any surplus or profit made is reinvested in to our social objects. We also have a clear environmental mission, set out in our governing documents.

Our price list is updated from time to time. It can be found here.


12.   I am cancelling my training booking, will I be charged?

We ask for as much notice as possible if you need to cancel a training session, cancellations will be governed by the terms of our cancellation policy here.



 If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.